Park Place Baptist Church
Pearl, MS
Mon Jun 02–Fri Jun 06 AT 6 p.m.–8:20 p.m.
Pre-registration for VBS is now closed, but your child can absolutely still attend. At around 5:40 or so Monday night, head down Park Place drive and turn left at the 201 building. Our volunteers will direct you and help you get your child registered.
We are so thankful for the opportunity to gather together for Vacation Bible School this year!
The mission statement of Park Place Baptist Church is Park Place Glorifies God by Making Disciples of All Nations. Our desire is that everything we do as a church fits within this mission statement. Vacation Bible School is an evangelistic effort, meaning that we want all kids involved in VBS to hear the Gospel - the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Jesus. Our joy in VBS is seeing children eternally impacted by God's Word - that they might turn from sin and trust in Jesus alone for salvation, submitting to Him as Lord and King.
All children who are of the "finished K3" age through "finished 6th grade" age are invited to Vacation Bible School. We hope that your child(ren) will join us!
Park Place Baptist Church—5701 Hwy 80 E., Pearl, MS 39208